Archaeologists have found a 4000-year-old tomb, which seems to have just been painted

The architectural and artistic achievements of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt do not cease to amaze the imagination. It is amazing not only how they were created, but also how they survived to this day. Recently, an excellently preserved burial place, decorated with inscriptions and bright reliefs, was found in Egyptian territory. The find is more than four thousand years old, but the bright paint of the reliefs looks like it was applied only a few days ago.

Scientists say that a civil servant named Huvi, a dignitary who held high posts, was buried here. His grave was discovered in a large necropolis in the southern part of the Egyptian capital. The room is made in the traditional form of the letter L. But the entrance tunnel, which is more often found in the pyramids, is a very unusual phenomenon for the Egyptian grave.

The bright colors with which the reliefs were painted were used in colors symbolizing supreme power. This fact and the unique structure of the tomb led researchers to the idea that Khuvi was probably an approximate to the ruler of Egypt of that period - Jedkar Isesi.

But vivid drawings - this is not all that impressed archaeologists in the grave. In addition, they found here a mummy and containers in which the bodies of the deceased were stored. Researchers hope to better understand the reign of the aforementioned pharaoh after studying an eerie find.

Watch the video: Egypt: Archaeologists unveil 4,400-year-old tomb (September 2024).

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