"Avatar" of the underwater world: unusual luminous creatures of the seas

If suddenly you are asked to quickly name some luminous creature, then for sure a firefly will immediately come to your mind. However, this bug is far from the only one who has such a magical property. Especially rich in such inhabitants of the sea and oceans.

In general, bioluminescence (the ability of living organisms to glow) is based on chemical processes, as a result of which the released energy is released in the form of light. Moreover, it is worth noting that the efficiency of the living glow is unusually high and reaches 80-90 percent. In nature, bioluminescence is used by animals as a means of communication, to disguise or scare away, as well as to attract prey or mating partners.

Marine biologist and underwater photographer Simon Pierce from New Zealand takes fantastic pictures of neon marine creatures. Not far from the island of Nosi-Sakatia (Madagascar), the man managed to capture a whole world of luminous creatures that make you feel like a character in the movie "Avatar".

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