The Grand Garden of Cosmic Reflections, the likes of which are not around the world

At the end of the 20th century, the spouses-architects Charles Jenks and Meggy Cheswick had the idea to create an unusual place in the inherited large estate in Scotland - the Garden-Universe. People could come here to take a break from the bustle, dive into philosophical thoughts, meditate and establish a connection with the Universe, or simply add harmony and beauty to their lives. The park helps to comprehend wisdom and think about the structure of the world. Here, perforce, all senses become aggravated, and the intellect begins to divert your thoughts in the direction conceived by the architects. The fantastic garden is covered with green hills, ponds of various shapes, fancy sculptures and flower beds.

It reflects a variety of scientific facts, atmospheric phenomena and the greatest discoveries, it seems as if the garden itself is endowed with hidden knowledge stored here, as if in a gigantic library, and waiting for their reader to decipher them. Gradually you begin to think that in every corner, every bend of the reservoir and every plant, there is a hidden meaning, a scientific discovery and achievement.

In fact, it is. Stone spirals symbolize the DNA chain, a huge staircase that goes into the pond denotes pristine chaos, and unusual flower beds are models of black holes. However, if your brain is boiling from deep thoughts and searches for hidden meanings, you can relax in the gazebo of meaninglessness, where your mind can reach rest and relax.

Watch the video: Charles Jencks, The Architecture of the Multiverse (September 2024).

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