Masu Lake: why people are forbidden to approach the most beautiful body of water in Japan

Masu Lake, considered the most beautiful in Japan, is allowed to admire only from special viewing platforms located around the reservoir. It is strictly forbidden to visit the forests surrounding the lake and especially to approach the coastline. All Japanese and many tourists are invited to enjoy the beautiful view in the distance, and below you will find out why.

Masu Lake is located on Hokkaido Island in Tesikaga County. The water surface of Lake Masu is 19.2 square meters. km This is not the largest body of water in the country, and among the many lakes in Japan, it occupies only the 20th place in area. But in depth Masu with an indicator of 221.4 meters is one of the five leaders. Such a significant depth is due to the origin of the lake. Once upon a time there was a grandiose volcano in place of Masu. After attenuation and collapse, an extensive caldera formed on the site of the volcanic crater, which eventually filled with rain and melt water. Fog can often be observed over the lake, which makes visiting tourists more difficult to see.

Masu, like most crater-type lakes, is devoid of large river tributaries. The lake is replenished with rainwater and small streams flowing down from the slopes covered with forest vegetation. It is noteworthy that not a single river flows from the lake, that is, it is a closed body of water. But at the same time, the water in it is crystal clear - visibility in the lake is 30 meters. For comparison: the maximum visibility in Baikal is observed in the spring and is 40 meters, and in summer this value does not exceed 10 meters. Masu is considered one of the cleanest reservoirs of the planet, and the Japanese with all responsibility approached its protection.

The lake is part of the Akan National Park, which is a specially protected natural area. But for the lake itself, environmental rules are even stricter. It is forbidden to move around the lake on any ships, as well as swim. In addition, people are forbidden to approach the shore and even walk through the forests surrounding the lake, which are part of the water protection zone. All that is allowed to many tourists is from afar to admire the unusually beautiful lake with deep blue water.

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