Outrageous photo report on how World Zombie Day went in London

Headless bodies, missing limbs and rotting flesh are just some of the creepy sights you can find on London streets during the annual zombie march. Crowds of people left their homes in images that make their blood run cold in order to participate in the twelfth World Zombie Day, held in the capital of Great Britain.

Information on the event’s official website states that the march is aimed at fighting hunger and homelessness, and its goal is to raise money for City Harvest London, a charity community. This organization collects junk food in various areas of the food industry. They take away the remnants of various food products, which otherwise would simply go to waste.

Then, employees of the organization send food to other associations involved in helping the homeless and the poor. Among them are shelters and free public canteens.

The first such World Zombie Day for charity took place in the United States thirteen years ago.

Watch the video: The Most Disturbing Parasites Found Inside Humans! Monsters Inside Me (September 2024).

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