Swedish scientists spent the night on the Dyatlov pass and realized what phenomenon killed people

At the end of January of the 59th year, Igor Dyatlov, a practically graduate of the Polytechnic Institute, advanced with several tourists on a hike in the Ural Mountains. For a couple of weeks they had to overcome about three hundred kilometers on skis and return to the village of Vizhay. However, their route was interrupted in a completely different place and under the most tragic circumstances for them. The group was found dead in the area of ​​Mount Holutchahl.

Since then, the discussion of the possible development of events that led to the death of people does not stop. However, the point of view, which could be called the only true one, did not appear - the scene of the incident looked too strange and the investigation could not determine too many unknown variables. Nevertheless, hypotheses regarding the causes of death of tourists and their guide continue to arise. This time, researchers from Sweden put forward their point of view.

At the beginning of this year, they decided to repeat the route along which the dead travelers walked in the 59th, and made very interesting conclusions. Having reached that very unfortunate place, the Swedes noticed that the climatic conditions began to approach extreme: the temperature dropped below 40 degrees, and the wind power increased many times.

During their expedition, scientists came to the conclusion that the so-called “falling” wind became the cause of what happened to the Dyatlov group. This is a rather rare occurrence, but very scary and dangerous. It can occur when the temperature of the medium begins to drop sharply. As a result, the air at the top of the glacier is compressed and rushes along at a furious speed along the slope to the ground. The record speed of this cataclysm was recorded in Sweden, it amounted to over 80 meters per second. On the Holatchahl mountain pass, on that deadly day, a “falling” wind could fall on people, descending at a speed of 30 meters per second. This explains the position of the dead and the condition of their bodies, because at such a moment a person feels as if someone lifted him into the air and began to shake with incredible intensity - about a thousand shakes in 60 seconds!

Of course, this is just one more possible theory, and some of the questions remain even with a similar explanation of events.

Watch the video: The Dyatlov Pass Case (September 2024).

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