17 strange habits of Americans that annoy all tourists

Every nation has its own unique characteristics, which is undoubtedly wonderful. One of the reasons why we travel is the study of the culture of other countries. However, some traditions and peculiarities may seem strange and eccentric to a foreigner, or even be completely baffled, as a result of which he returns to his homeland in some bewilderment. Speaking of the United States, we can distinguish several very unusual habits of Americans who are constantly driving tourists crazy.

It doesn’t matter what the weather outside, the restaurant will still be served ice water, and there will be much more ice there than the water itself.

Everywhere you go, air conditioners are working at full capacity everywhere.

In American restaurants, the portions are so huge that just one is enough to eat a whole family of foreigners.

Literally every three minutes, waiters come to you to ask if you are comfortable and tasty.

American cars are really gigantic. Especially when compared with European ones. Perhaps that is why the motorways in the country are also huge.

In American stores, wine can be sold in three or even six liter bottles.

All banknotes in the USA are very similar: they have the same color and size. Therefore, to distinguish, for example, one dollar and five on the move will not work.

If you pay with a credit card, you do not have to enter a pin code, but just sign it, which, you see, seems unsafe.

Local pharmacies are more like minimarkets, because in addition to medicines you can also buy sweets, cigarettes, beer or soda.

Everywhere and everywhere people, even completely strangers, constantly smile at you.

Many use fitness clothing as casual, and not just for sports.

People can easily come to the nearest supermarket in pajamas - they don’t care.

There are too many ad breaks on TV.

American flags are literally hung everywhere.

The habit of Americans to constantly drink coffee on the go is not at all clear to many foreigners, because they are used to enjoying a drink while sitting in a calm and pleasant place.

The shower head in most cases is bolted to the wall and is not adjustable in any way.

Watch the video: 22 WEIRD THINGS AMERICANS DO. Doug Armstrong (September 2024).

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