The 20 most visited cities in the world in 2018

Mastercard has published its annual Global Destination Cities Index, which measures the increase and decrease in travel to 162 cities around the world. Employees of the company estimate the number of guests, spending, and also make a forecast of growth in visits to these cities. In terms of the cost of city guests, Dubai came first. The average visitor to the Middle Eastern metropolis spends here 537 dollars a day. And we present to you a list of cities that in 2018 became the most popular and desired for foreigners.

Bali, Indonesia - 8,430,000 foreign visitors.

Osaka, Japan - 8,780,000 foreign visitors.

Barcelona, ​​Spain - 9,060,000 foreign visitors.

Hong Kong - 9 110 000 foreign visitors.

Milan, Italy - 9 190 000 foreign visitors.

Palma de Mallorca, Spain - 9.3 million foreign visitors.

Pattaya, Thailand - 9,560,000 foreign visitors.

Mecca, Saudi Arabia - 9,730,000 foreign visitors.

Phuket, Thailand - 10,080,000 foreign visitors.

Seoul, South Korea - 10 130 000 foreign visitors.

Antalya, Turkey - 11,270,000 foreign visitors.

Tokyo, Japan - 12,120,000 foreign visitors.

Istanbul, Turkey - 12.8 million foreign visitors.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 13,530,000 foreign visitors.

New York, USA - 13 670 000 foreign visitors.

Singapore - 14,470,000 foreign visitors.

Dubai, UAE - 16,660,000 foreign visitors.

Paris, France - 17.95 million foreign visitors.

London, UK - 20,420,000 foreign visitors.

Bangkok, Thailand - 21,980,000 foreign visitors.

Watch the video: Top 10 Most-Visited Cities of 2018 (September 2024).

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