7 unusual temples in which it is difficult to recognize a religious building

What should the temple look like in your view? An ancient majestic building with religious symbols - in such a construction, any of us will always recognize the place of worship of a particular deity. But what if the temple looks quite unconventional? What if it looks more like a spaceship or a museum of modern art? Like, for example, unexpected buildings from our collection today. Take a look at what temples are like in the modern world!

Ribbon Chapel (Wedding Chapel) - Honshu Island, Japan.

Reading between the lines ("Reading between the lines"), transparent church - Belgium

Hallgrímskirkja (Hallgrimur Church) - Iceland

Church of Saint-Pierre de Firminy (Church of Saint-Pierre) - France

Chapel of the Holy Cross (Chapel of the Holy Cross) - Arizona, USA

Igreja da Santíssima Trindade (Basilica of the Holy Trinity) - Portugal

Basilica Catedral Nuestra Senora de la Altagracia (Basilica of Our Lady of Altagracia) - Dominican Republic

Watch the video: "Your Body is the Temple" Christian Bible Sermon (September 2024).

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