11 frightening things that were considered beautiful in different countries

Undoubtedly, all the girls of the world are beauties. Indeed, each country has its own views on beauty, and it seems completely incorrect to evaluate foreign women by their personal standards. No matter how many cultures exist, they all set their own parameters for evaluating the beautiful, so in fact there are simply no ideals of beauty.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that all people are different and look at beauty in the same way in different ways. At the same time, most of us will be united that some traditions of distant peoples are more frightening than attractive. We present to your attention a selection of the most unexpected manifestations of beauty that have ever existed on Earth.

Fashion for non-standard eyebrows in different periods of Ancient China

Bizarre fashion in ancient China required women to completely remove their eyebrows and draw new ones in their place: round, sinuous and others.

Tattooing in the form of a smile was adopted by the Ainu

Ainu are considered the oldest population of the Japanese islands, which also lived partly on the territory of Russia. The mysterious people have a tradition from the age of seven to make girls face tattoos in the form of a smile. Such an adornment was supposed to help them happily marry during life, and after death to find peace.

Artificial lengthening of the head

Such an action was considered beautiful among many peoples at different times. To deform a child’s skull began at a young age. To do this, his head was tied with a tight ribbon or laid in a special bed.

Blackening teeth in ancient Japan

This tradition is called ohaguro. It existed for quite some time, right up to the Meiji period, until the end of the 19th century. Black teeth in Japan of the past were not only considered beautiful and refined, but also had a healing component. The bottom line is that the black paint that covered the enamel made up for iron deficiency and helped keep teeth healthy.

Eyebrow and eyelash removal in medieval Europe

It is possible that such a fashion in medieval Europe was rather a necessity. Since the population often suffered from rickets leading to hair loss, some of the aristocrats came up with the idea of ​​turning the situation into an allegedly attractive virtue rather than a disadvantage, while others simply followed suit.

Too long nails in ancient China

Another rather repulsive fashion trend in ancient China was the cultivation of excessively long nails. This was a symbol of aristocrats, demonstrating the richness and idleness of life, because working with such a "decoration" is impossible. Over time, to protect nails, gold cases decorated with jewelry began to be made.

Tattooed faces of the Maori people

Oceanians, Maori people, felt special love for tattoos. Men abundantly covered not only their bodies, but also their faces. Women were much more modest in this regard: they covered only part of the face with a pattern. As a rule, it was the chin, lips and neck.

Caviar-enhancing lining in medieval Europe

This fashion applies only to men. In the Middle Ages, Europeans hid their legs under their skirts on the floor, and gentlemen, on the contrary, sought to emphasize them with tight golf. The bulging calves were considered especially beautiful, so men, deprived of a fashionable relief from nature, had to wear special linings.

Pagan tattoos on the hands of women of the Balkans

From ancient times, it was customary for some peoples in the Balkans to put solar symbols on their hands, pagan tattoos, acting as amulets.

Nose piercing in women of India

The tradition of piercing the nose was born in India in ancient times and still exists. Most often, girls do nose piercings here before the wedding.

Yao's extraordinarily long hair in China

Yao women who live in Huangloo Village in China cut their hair only once in a lifetime - during the initiation rite at the age of 16.

Watch the video: 10 Unusual People With Unique Features. Beautiful People (September 2024).

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