Mount Tateyama: the sacred peak where the highest snowdrifts in the world lie

Actually, with the opening of the snow tunnel, the tourist season begins in the area of ​​Tateyama. This usually happens in mid or late April, and amazing snow tunnels can be observed until mid-June or even a little longer. From November to April, the route is closed to visitors due to bad weather conditions. The fact is that at this time of year snowfall rages on the slopes of Mount Tateyama, thanks to which snowdrifts are formed on the roads, reaching a height of 15-20 meters.

In summer, when the snow melts on the slopes of Tatema, visitors to the route, part of which passes through the mountain tunnels, can enjoy stunning scenery. It offers a beautiful view of the highest waterfalls in the country Shёmyo. Two waterfalls are located close to each other and flow into one river. Hannoki waterfall, or Hannoki, but still, has a height of 497 meters and is recognized as the highest in the country. But it exists only during the melting of snow, so it can only be observed in spring and early summer. But the nearby Shёmo waterfall, or Shёmyo-daki, whose height is 350 meters, although modest in size, but pleases tourists throughout the year. Sometimes a third waterfall also flows here - Somen, which is also active only during melting snow or heavy rains.

Another attraction of the route is the arched Kurobe dam on the river of the same name. At a height of 186 meters, the Kurobe Dam is the highest such structure in the country. Its construction was completed in 1963, and the capacity of the power plant is 335 MW. The reservoir is located in a picturesque gorge and, driving along the Kurobe-Tateyama route, it is impossible not to stop here.

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Watch the video: Japan Alps Mt. Tateyama Trekking - 4K 일본 북알프스 다테야마 종주 (September 2024).

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