16 photos showing that Russia was simply created for the winter!

Winter is a special time. This is a time of fairy tales, warmth and comfort, a time of crisp white snow, sunny, ringing days and clear, frosty air. It is also a time of hot tea, a warm plaid and good books. Winter is a time to make wishes. Russia is one of those countries of the world that was lucky enough to enjoy winter fully. And who, if not us, should know about the magical abilities of winter to change everything around beyond recognition? The following 16 pictures will show you how winter transforms the most magnificent corners of our vast country.

Winter is diverse in Russia

Multi Lakes, Altai

Fragile birch trees

Majestic spruce

Traces of animals in the forest

Bright night highways

The road to Ergaki, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Winter comes to Russia gradually ...

Hassan River, Magadan Region

... cautiously going down to cities, rivers and forests

Oka River, Tula Region

When she takes possession of our land to the fullest ...

Gorge of the Mamay River, Irkutsk Region

... magic begins around

Belogorsky Monastery, Perm Region

The sky takes on an amazing azure hue.

In the morning, the sun fills the horizon with pink

Ice grotto on Lake Baikal, Irkutsk region

In the evening, fading away with pure gold

Lake Baikal, Irkutsk Region

Russian winter is incredibly beautiful

Ice stalactites in a cave on Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Irkutsk Region


Forest near the village of Sheregesh, Kemerovo region

And clean

Bridge over the Tsna River, Tambov Region

A fairy tale is in the air everywhere

City park in Vologda

Watch the video: The Soviets Finish a Costly Winter War - WW2 - 029 - March 16 1940 (September 2024).

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