Bermamyt Plateau: a branch of Mars in the North Caucasus

So much has already been written about Bermamyt that there is practically nothing to add. But there is one thing that will make you a little different - this is dawn in Bermamyt.

Dawn is such a thing: you may think that you know the place like the back of your hand and it will never surprise you, but as soon as you wake up with the sun, you will realize that your ideas about the world were too arbitrary.

You know nothing.

At 4:50 a.m., and our camp sleeps sweetly. But the most persistent have already grabbed the cameras and are going to meet the dawn.

From the evening, shepherds in the foothills of Elbrus burn grass, and the smell of burning is felt even here. Around the terrible silence and the complete absence of wind - all this merges into the feeling that you are at the very edge of the world.

Of course, we all expected that at dawn it would be so clear that Elbrus would be in full view. But instead, orange clouds that make the landscape 100% Martian. And the devil will take it apart, as it would be better.

Since childhood, I am afraid of height to trembling knees. Is this condition familiar to you? The brain is trying to convince you that there is nothing to be afraid of, because there is quite a wide strip of soil beneath you, and your legs at that moment are trying to buckle and as if hinting: “Take a sitting position, it's really easier!

Simply. Rate it. Scale.

The height of the cliff in Bermamyt reaches 300 meters. Almost like the tallest tower "Moscow City" and the Eiffel Tower.

It is really high.

To get around all the most incredible points on the plateau, you need to dig a couple of kilometers, so they gathered and go.

It's good to be gouging. Everyone carries tripods with them, some other stray people, and you grabbed your faithful Mark from 24-70 and you go to yourself, whistle.

Rocks "Two brothers." The most reckless climb to the top of the cliff at the edge of the cliff and take pictures there. How they do it, I don’t know, and I don’t even want to think, well, nafig.

Over the Martian mountain Beshtau, cosmic rain was turned on.

Almost an hour and a half has passed since our awakening, and according to sensations - three minutes. Space excursions end too quickly - this is their obvious drawback.

The very few places I visited caused me as many emotions as Bermamyt did. If you, friend, have the opportunity to come here, sit on this bench and look into Bermamyt’s eyes, you simply have to do it.

Because it is unbelievable.

Watch the video: Плато Бермамыт Bermamyt Plateau (September 2024).

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